8 January 2016

How to build a castle: part I - something about inspirations // Budowa zamku Drakenborg: część I - inspiracje

Hello there again!

Welcome to our first entry of "How to build a castle". In this series of posts we will try to show and describe the successive stages of small stronghold construction. Knowing our pace, the project may have difficulty to be completed in 2016, however one should always set target to himself at the start;) We are currently at the stage of conceptual work and design. We have not yet decided whether it should be an enclosed construction which can be placed anywhere on the table or should it have a semi-opened structure, so that you can move the models in it. In the second case, the castle will always have to be placed near the edge of the table and only front part of the castle would be built. We have already spent about 6 hours and have not yet achieved any significant progress... Finding inspiration and choosing concept arts proved to be very long lasting. In the first entry we want to show you pictures and scale-models that will use as an inspiration for our work.

6 January 2016

How to make flags for miniatures - step by step // Jak wykonać flagi do modeli - poradnik krok po kroku

Hi All!
Today I would like to share with you how to prepare simple but effective flags for your miniatures. In this article you will also find a file with my custom-made flags and some interesting links to websites with a large amount of ready to be printed flags.
Remember that you should not expect to win a painting competition with that. If you have seen our blog before you probably noticed that I am not a freehand champion. Occasionally I make some smaller freehands, I even painted a banner but I was never happy with my level so I decided that I need to find a proper substitute. 

W dzisiejszym poście pokażę Wam, jak przygotować proste flagi do Waszych modeli. W dalszej części tego artykułu znajdziecie plik z moimi flagami oraz linki do stron, gdzie możesz znaleźć dużą ilość innych gotowych banerów. Konkursu modelarskiego pewnie tak nie wygracie, ale efekt końcowy będzie zadowalający. Jeżeli przyglądaliście się naszemu blogowi, to pewnie zauważyliście, że nie jestem ani mistrzem freehandu ani nawet studentem tej dziwnej i niezgłębionej dla mnie sztuki.  Okazjonalnie popełniam gdzieś jakiś bohomaz, namalowałem nawet jeden baner, ale nie byłem do końca zadowolony z efektu końcowego i stosunku czasu do jakości. Z tego względu musiałem poszukać innych technik modelarskich, które służyć będą za substytut.