17 April 2019

Dwarf Lord on a War Bear

 Just simple dwarven lord riding on his bear. 
I have really nothing to add here.

You can see how it look unpainted in this entry.

14 April 2019

Veda Ann - Celtic Warrior // Celtycka Wojowniczka

28mm scale model, produced by Hesselfree Miniatures

Nieco 'Asterixowa', celtycka wojowniczka w skali 28mm wyprodukowana przez Hasselfree Miniatures.

12 April 2019

Blood Rage#3 - Bear Clan

The Bear Clan miniatures from the Blood Rage boardgame. Painted during one painting session. You can also look at the Wolf Clan  and the Raven Clan that I presented to you in the last month.

Pomalowane w jeden dzień figurki klanu niedźwiedzia z gry planszowej Blood Rage.