10 August 2017
Scibor's Dwarves Warband // Krasnoludy od Scibora
The whole band of my new Scibor's dwarves in the single photo. I hope you like it.
Cała banda moich nowych krasnoludów na wspólnym zdjęciu. Mam nadzieje, że ta zgraja trafiła w wasze gusta modelarskie.
9 August 2017
Dwarven Trade Company Warrior #10 // Wojownik Krasnoludzkiej Kompanii Handlowej #10
Dwarf Warrior from the polish company Scibor Monstrous Miniatures. You can find previous models from the same manufacturer that were painted by me in these entries:
Scibor Dwarven Standard Bearer
Scibor Dwarven Ranger#1
Scibor Dwarven Ranger#2
Scibor Dwarven Warrior #1
Scibor Dwarven Warrior #2
Scibor Dwarven Warrior #3
Ścibor Dwarven Warrior #4